Sign up with Circle Software  member offer

Current BookPeople members - If you are not yet signed up to Circle, make sure you email the Circle sales team and tell them you are a BookPeople member before signing with Circle. Circle will then cover your next full year of membership.

Not a BookPeople member?  Sign up with Circle and let them know at the time of joining you wish to take up the BookPeople member offer and they will contact us. You can also note you have just joined Circle on a BookPeople application and we will contact Circle to confirm.

Circle produces a complete point of sale, stock management and online sale solution for booksellers. It is ideal for bricks and mortar stores that want to be online, but don't want the hassle of managing a website and the shop floor independently.

With Circle, all sales (in-store or online), are managed through a single cloud-based system that is accessible from anywhere. It knits with existing business systems for email, accounting and EFTPOS and functions on any device.

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